My 700 MHz G3 iBook now outperforms it, presumably by virtue of having twice as much video RAM and a video card that supports Quartz Extreme. It's not horrible, but it is sluggish by comparison. For example, was quite satisfied with the performance of my 550 MHz G4 upgraded Pismo running OS 10.3, but am much less so running Tiger. If you're really determined, you can probably get Tiger to install on some older PowerBooks using Ryan Rempel's XPostFacto installer hack, but is it worth the trouble? Given the lazy performance of Tiger on even some supported machines, I'm doubtful. For example, PowerBooks prior to the G3 Series Pismo, which was introduced in March, 2000, are not supported by OS X 10.4. The appropriate operating system to use on any computer depends upon variables like the speed of your machine, how much RAM you have, what you use the computer for, and how much performance (speed) you're willing to trade off in order to have more advanced features. There is no all-purpose boilerplate answer.

The operative queries lately tend to be about whether it makes sense to install Tiger on a marginally supported (or unsupported) older Mac, or what is the minimal machine that will support Tiger adequately.

Questions I get asked fairly frequently, and particularly since the release of OS 10.4 Tiger, are variations on the general theme of upgrading older Macs to more recent operating system versions.
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